Lauren Murphree
Nashville, TN

Lauren Murphree was diagnosed with Lyme when she was
nine years old and was treated with antibiotics that helped her function again. Years later when she traveled to two foreign countries, she began experiencing debilitating pain which was
the first of many symptoms she developed.
From 2012-2015, she was dismissed by the medical field
and was told she was depressed and would have to eventually
learn how to live with the pain.
Lauren pursued many different treatments with various
specialists in Vancouver, Seattle, Germany, Tennessee,
Colorado and Pennsylvania.
She currently resides in Nashville with her husband, Andy.
She is an author, editor, chronic illness coach, and podcast host. Lauren is continuing holistic treatment while she is
writing her second book.

Lauren has been writing her first book over the last few years and was finally able to self-publish it in January 2021. She writes about “Finding God’s Faithfulness in Chronic Lyme”and shares her testimony how has she has continued to rely on God throughout her journey.
Earlier this year Lauren began a podcast where she gives
those battling Lyme disease a platform to share
their journey with others.
lauren's favorite finds
Dynamic Neural Retraining System
by Annie Hopper
"I find that doing DNRS with modifications like if I’m too tired to stand up I can just do it laying down or driving and still get great benefits from it. I would say be diligent with the 4 day bootcamp and have an open mind. Reading Annie Hopper’s book 'Wired for ealing' encouraged me to keep going with it even when I felt stupid doing it.
Overall it’s helped retrain my brain, showed me I can do a lot more than I thought, helped with anxiety and put me more at ease."
"This helps me so much with energy and cognitive function. It’s been proven to help with lyme and dementia."
“The path of his presence was one of those sermons that really hit home for me, reminding me of God’s heart toward me in my suffering”
“Diatematious earth has been one of the tools I’ve used to get rid of parasites, along with mimosa pudica seed."
"The slim drink was one of the most beneficial supplements that helped me have the energy to start working again and also helped with my menstrual cycle. Vitalbiome and Biocleanse have also helped me. I could not tolerate Probio - I think it might be best for people with severe mold illness to steer clear from that before starting treatment with a doctor."
“Chlorella has consistently been one of the most helpful supplements Ive taken over the years.”